Here is what I find amazing about Ray (the blogs owner Ray Whitledge) he is one of the kindest people. Not that I haven't met a lot of nice people since finding blog land don't get me wrong, its just that I have been fascinated by his work for years and years. I pray to have just a pinky's worth of his skill and imagination. I guess I was thinking that someone that talented wouldn't really give me the time of day, but he responded to my email and we have exchanged a few since then an OMG so nice. Any who on to his blog - he started it in Dec. 2011 and is doing a project for himself. It is a doll house from the Lawbre company (if you haven't seen there houses check them out) its The Chessington Plaza designed by the late Dan McNeil. It has four floors, opens on the side and front. This place looks massive! For some reason however it was made with only 10 inch ceiling so it makes Rays work a little tougher. He is doing what I would say is a mixture of modern and antique. Like a home a very wealthy person with very good taste has(not that I know any lol just going by what I have seen in interior design mags) What he does in his blog is show and tell through everything he is doing and how he does it. His wood floors, wall panels, railings, kitchen and everything else is amazing. This man can do some stuff with some jewelry findings. He shows you what he uses, where he get it, so even in his blog his detail shows through. He is like the McGuiver of dollhouses! For my non English followers McGuiver was a sitcom and the man could make anything with a tooth pic, gum, an a rubber band. What is completely shocking to me is there are only a little over 300 followers. All I can figure is a lot of people don't know hes blogging or something. When I found the blog it was like Christmas morning so I cant imagine someone going there and not following. If for some reason you haven't seen his blog click on this link http://modernminiatures-whitledge-burgess.blogspot.com/ and go there I'm sure you will become one of his faithful followers. If you are a follower but haven't visited his blog in awhile go check it out again! As always I gatta say it lol You are still here why? Have a great weekend everyone!
Gracias por compartir, es un blog fantastico.
besitos ascension
Hi Tina! Am I dreaming or what?!! It seems to me the last time I was on Ray's blog, he had written that he was selling his house for reasons which he did not specify but had to do with something in real life. I am a follower of Ray and he is a wonderful person. Just now, I went back to his blog and what I had previously written was not there. So, has he had a change of mind? I would be very happy if he had. I love his work and it was such a treat to read his blog and benefit from all his knowledge. He's been gone for quite a while. I do hope he returns.
Ascension, yes it is a great blog, he is very talented. Lucille - Hes not going anywhere thank god but he is busy right now getting ready for the show so he might not be back until after that
Tina, thanks! I'm so happy that he's keeping his blog.
Hello Tina!
Thank you for this very kind and flattering post about my blog and my work.....I appreciate it more than I can express. I have enjoyed meeting so many nice people like you through blogs. The talent out there, including yourself, is amazing! I will echo a comment that John made, you made me feel like a movie star!
Warm regard from Ray
Gracias por compartir
En verdad es increíblemente hermoso
Ray you are very welcome. I agree with you about so many talented nice people being in blog land, yourself included! we are all lucky to get to see your work and get to know you. Hope everything is coming together for the show!
Ray is the GOLD STANDARD of miniaturists! (BTW, You're not a movie star, Ray, you're a ROCK STAR)!
Olá Tina, estou encantada com seu trabalho, lindas coisas.
Abraço, Nanda
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