When I was little my grandfather one like this in his house. He made his it was stained wood and it had roosters on it. Not girly like this little one I made but it just goes to show you how the same thing can be changed so much just by the way we decorate it., and the things people make have a part of there personality in them. He used to make all kinds of things, mostly with a country flair. I wish he was still around now, but this is kinda my little tribute to him. I miss you grandpa. Now enough of my blabbing and onto the tutorial...
Letter/Key holder
Supplies -
Mattboard (you can use basswood or wood of your choice but it needs to be 1/16")
Large safety pin or needle
Craft paint (stain if you are using wood and want it stained instead of painting)
Cut mattboard -
1 back piece 2" x 1"
2 side pieces 1 - 1/2" x 1/2"
3 shelf pieces 1" x 1/2"

Round all the edges on your back piece, then use your needle to make one hole at the top center and 3 holes straight across the bottom. Sand two corners (on the same side) of each of your side pieces. Sand a 45 degree angle on one side of each of your shelf pieces. Now glue your side pieces to the back (rounded side out). Once that is dry glue your side pieces angled side down starting 1/4 of inch up from the bottom, then the next two every1/2 " above the one below. Let dry. Now cut your toothpicks 1/4" at the ends (you want to use the ends because its easier to put in the holes you made). Dip the pointy end of the toothpick in the glue and push into the holes you made in the bottom of your letter holder. Do this with all 3. Glue the holes behind as well just to strengthen the hold. The hole in the top is to be able to hang it. Once this is all dry decorate, paint, stain, embellish as you would like. :) If you have any ?s just let me know.