Today I'm going to feature a blog on
Cinderella Moments.

If you have not seen this blog yet let me tell you her dollhouses are little works of art! You don't just have to look at her doll houses either, you can own one! Yes that's what I said you can own one of these little dreams by jumping over to her Etsy shop!

Not only does she have her houses for sale there but there are mini paintings and other cute items if your searching for that special thing for a doll house or room box you already have. I'm not kidding though these houses make me drool. What could be even better than that you ask? The owner of said blog and Etsy shop Caroline is super nice! She also does commissioned houses if you don't see the one you are dreaming of already made in her store. Want to try and make one of her little dreamy houses? She sells a book with photos and directions for that also. With all that said why are you still looking at my blog? Jump over and check out Cinderella Moments its very early Fri. morning here I haven't slept yet and i have a mini club meeting in 9 hours so I'm out. Enjoy Cinderella Moments!
I'm so honored! Thank you so much Tina!
Welcome, hope you have a great weekend :)
Great spotlight, Caroline makes some amazing and beautiful stuff. She is great inspiration ;)
I love Caroline's houses - so pretty and whimsical... thanks so much for this feature!
Alison x
Hi Tina! I have just signed in as a new follower. I had written a comment and it disappeared so I will try to reconstruct. I am familiar with Caroline's work! Caroline's work is absolutely unique. Her work is pure fantasy and when I first saw her blog, I could not believe my eyes! Ever since, I have been a faithful follower of hers.
Good Morning Tina!
It's soo nice of you to post something about Carline's houses!
I love them too :-)
So, welcome to blogland.
I hope you find a lot of new friends here :-)
Have a nice day,
Greetings from Austria
Hi Tina, welcome to blogland. What a great post for Caroline's amazing work!! I see you have an awesome house going for yourself, so I Have become a follower and can't wait to see your progress. Wish you a lovely weekend!!
Mini hugs, Jannet
Hola Tina,gracias al blog de Caroline he descubierto el tuyo,lo que he visto me ha encantado,así que ya tienes una nueva seguidora!!
Hallo Tina, willkommen im Blogger-Miniland.
Schicke ganz liebe Grüße mit
PuNo / Monika
Hi Tina, I just met your blog through Caroline, already have a follower more.
Hugs, Marisa
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I also know of Cinderella Moments and I'm also really fascinated by her romantic and fanciful houses. I also have one of her small flower images.
Welcome to blog land.
Hola Tina!!
Ya tienes unas seguidoras más, somos madre e hija! Hace tiempo somos seguidoras de Cinderela y su blog es magnifico y sus trabajos también.
Besos de las Malu´s.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Caroline's work is amazing that's why I wanted to do a little feature on it. All the little details she adds are amazing!
Hi Tina :) Welcome to blogland I am sure you will find lots of friendships here. I am also a big fan of Caroline's I love her blog and the wonderful items she makes.
Hugs Maria
Hola Tina, bienvenida al mundo bloger.
Me encantan los trabajos de Caroline.
No me extraña que te gusten a ti tambien son magicos.
besitos ascension
Thanks for your welcome and comment Ascension!
Hi Malu, I just found your blog and started following you! Thanks for your comment!
That's a lovely idea to have Feature a Blog Friday. I'm very fond of Caroline from Cinderella Moments Blog. She has a very warm, generous heart. You couldn't have picked a nicer blog to feature!
Hi Tina, welcome in Blogland, it is such a nice place:)
I just found your blog through Caroline, she makes the most wonderful and amazing houses, I love them all !!
Have a great week :)
Hugs Mieke xxx
Thanks Ruth & Mieke!
Hallo Tina, ich bin dein neues Mitglied und froh deinen Blog gefunden zu haben. Wunderschöne Arbeiten Glückwunsch. Vielleicht hast du ja Lust mich auch einmal auf meinem Blog zu besuchen. Ich freue mich.
Herzliche Grüße Britta
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